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Dye Kit Resources

When I looked back over the applications there were not that many that chose Dye Kit as an option, but I thought that it would still be a good idea to post some resources for those of you that have some questions.

Dyeable Yarn


Types of Dye

Jacquard Acid Yarn Dyes

Rit Dye


Yarn Dying Instructions

Kathryn Ivy

YouTube Tutorial

Yarn Dyeing Tutorial

These are just a few of the methods that I found with a Google search. There might be more if you are interested in doing the search yourself, but I think you'll find that the resources on this list should work well for what you need.


Another great source for undyed yarn is Wool2Dye4
Great yarn at reasonable prices.

Another type of colorant that could be included in a dye kit is Wilton's Icing Gel Coloring.

I would also recommend that you check with your spoilee to see which type of dyes they prefer. Some may definitely want the Jaquard Acid Dyes, others might just want to give drink mixes a try.

September 13, 2008 at 2:48 PM  

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